Registered participants presenting their work at SPEA11 will have the possibility to publish full papers in Special Issues of the following journals covering the research fields of the SPEA11 conference.
Before submission, please read carefully the following general guidelines and the specific instructions on manuscript preparation (reported in the Guide for Authors of the appropriate publication).
General guidelines
- During the step of Abstract submission, authors must express their intention to submit their works to one of the SPEA11 special issue, after that they are welcome to proceed to the corresponding website of each journal, following the links given below. Only registered authors who made their preliminary request together with the abstract submission will be allowed to submit to these journals.
- After submission, registered authors will receive an invitation Letter confirming their status.
- The manuscripts must respect the publication rules of the selected journals. In particular, the manuscripts need to be of high novelty and the scientific content needs to be of high quality. The experimental data needs to be original and the text should not contain any sections that have been previously published in previous articles in the literature.
- All the submitted papers will be subjected to the regular peer-reviewing procedures of the journals.
Journals selected for special issues
Journal invitation letters have been sent and authors should follow instructions of these letters.
Catalysts (ISSN 2073-4344) is a peer-reviewed open access journal of catalysts and catalyzed reactions published monthly online by MDPI.
Impact Factor: 4.146 (2020) ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 4.399 (2020)
The Special Issue webpage has been designed at:
A flyer with the specific info on the Special Issue can be downloaded here: Catalysts_flyer_SPEA11.pdf
A 30% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) will be provided for SPEA11 participants.
Catalysis Today
Catalysis Today is (ISSN: 0920-5861, IF 6.766) is a serial publication dealing with topical themes in catalysis and related subjects The journal, published by Elsevier, focuses on the rapid publication of original invited papers devoted to currently important topics in catalysis and related subjects.
More information can be found on the journal's web page:
A special issue reserved for contributions presented at SPEA11 will be published with Guest Editors Sixto Malato, Claudio Minero, Paola Calza.
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences (ISSN 1474-9092, IF 3.982) is a monthly journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry for the publication of original research papers, perspectives, communications and technical notes of current interest in the areas of photochemistry and photobiology.
More information can be found on the journal's web page:
Guest Editors: Sixto Malato, Claudio Minero
(this page is under progress, information is periodically updated - last update 2022-05-27)